About The Author
So, this is me. The ever elusive author. I guess I'd better tell you some
stupid crap about me eh? Well, first of all my name is Evin Weston, and at
the current moment, I'm 15 years old. Ill be 16 on october 17th 2001, so in
case you're looking at this after that date, and I havn'e updated this page,
well, then I'm 16. Go me. Anyhoo... As for other things I go to Mt. Doug Senior
Secondary in Victoria B.C. Canada, and am in grade 11. My favorite class so
far is media art. I intend to go into the film industry and be a writer/director.
Kevin Smith is one of my heros, alongside Kurt Cobain and Andy Kauffman. My
favorite type of music is punk/ska, and my favorite bands are Nirvana, Reel
Big Fish, and Primus. So yeah. thats about it on me. I'm not to interesting.
If you want to lean more, go read my Journal.
It's not too interesting either, but oh well. That's me.
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